Static Control System
Static electricity is caused by the stripping of electrons from one surface to another. With non-conductive materials this charge can become substantial causing sparks that damage processes, products and equipment. Operators also can receive a “jolt” from static buildup and although the “jolt” doesn’t normally cause an injury, the reaction to getting zapped can.
HAUG Static Control Systems manufactures products which actively produce both positive and negative ions. The field emitted from your product’s charge attracts those ions, (positive to negative and negative to positive), in the neutralization process. Please take a look at the video for a demonstration and call us to start the conversation. 763-473-2757
A link to a YouTube video of general static neutralizing
A link to a YouTube video of 3D parts cleaning with static neutralizing
A link to a YouTube video of bottle filling with static neutralizing
A link to A YouTube video of a screen printing with static neutralizing